M Jayatunge M.D.
is a mental disorder characterized by distortions in thinking, perception,
emotions, language, sense of self and behaviour (WHO) and it is one of the most
complex and disabling diseases (Weinberger & Harrison, 2011). Processing of social and emotional information has been
shown to be disturbed in Schizophrenia (McCormick
et al., 2012). Schizophrenia has a multifactorial
etiology (Siever & Davis, 2004) and it is affecting up to 1% of the population
Searles , Makarewicz & Dumas ,2017).
was originally called the senility of youth by the Psychiatrist E. Kraepelin in
1911. Kraepelin (1856-1926)
originally called schizophrenia Dementia Praecox. He believed that the typical
symptoms were due to a form of mental deterioration which began in adolescence. Patients'
cognitive dysfunction led Kraepelin to
the assumption that schizophrenia is
a form of juvenile dementia caused by a degenerative process of the human brain
(Falkai et al., 2015).
1911 Eugene Beuler first used the term schizophrenia elucidating the major
symptomatology such as blunted emotions, disordered thoughts, and loss of
awareness. Bleuler believed that
schizophrenia patients experienced essential (fundamental) and accessory
features. The essential features alone identified the patient Dementia praecox
to schizophrenia (Adityanjee
et al., 1999). Bleuler deepened psychopathology, which
depicted schizophrenic symptoms and their relation, and the importance of
psychoanalysis for psychiatry (Tölle, 2008). Furthermore Bleuler criticized the
term ‘dementia praecox’ because schizophrenia did not always first appear in adolescence
and did not invariably end in deterioration (Adityanjee et al., 1999).
Sigmund Freud (1856-1936) maintained an interest in the evolutionary origins of the human
mind and its neurotic and psychotic disorders (Young, 2006). Freud argued that the ego’s alienation from
reality could cause psychosis. In 1924 Freud wrote that in psychosis the ego is
dragged away from reality. Furthermore Freud predicted that paranoid delusions are motivated by unconscious
homosexual impulses (Lester, 1975).
Freud was interested in Schizophrenia (which he
called Dementia Praecox). Freud’s
interest in psychosis can be noticed since the very beginning of his
theoretical work, as, motivated by his investigations regarding neurosis’
etiology, he compared characteristics of neurosis to classic psychotic
pictures, such as melancholy and paranoia
(de Oliveira Moreira & Drawin 2015). Moreover Freud used to examine
the blood of psychotic patients for the presence of infectious agents such as
spirochete. Freud’s early consideration of schizophrenia as a non-psychotic
continuation of mental disorders, he later concluded that some of its aspects
could be comprehended from a psychological point of view.
accepted Kraepelin’s nosology, therefore, but he didn’t share Kraepelin’s views
on causes (Dalzell, 2009). Freud thought that Schizophrenia was a form of
attachment disorder and stated that schizophrenia develops when a child did not
successfully develop an “attachment” with the parent of the opposite sex. Freud
considered that infant is born into
a state of mutual adaptation with the mother (Cohen, 2007). As described by Freud disordered family patterns (schizophrenogenic
mothers) are the cause of Schizophrenia. From the late 1940s to the early
1970s, the concept of the "Schizophrenogenic mother" was popular in
the psychiatric literature. Research later confirmed that the mother who could
cause schizophrenia in her offspring did not exist (Neill, 1990).
Eugene Bleuler and Harry Stack Sullivan were influenced by Sigmund Freud. In 1911, Eugene Bleuler
highlighted particular
characteristics in the
family of schizophrenic
patients, such as
extreme inflexibility, incapability
of communication, and
mutual hostility (Avramaki &
E Tsekeris 2011).
Harry Stack Sullivan promulgated the importance of the child’s
earliest interaction with the parents and its major distorting influence as
etiologic in the pathology of schizophrenia (Neill, 1990). In the later
years Harry Stack Sullivan echoed that mental illnesses are related
to interpersonal relationships. Sullivan’s version of
the developmental theory conceived by Freud was that schizophrenia is the
outcome of interpersonal problems. Sullivan
(1892-1949), well-known for his interpersonal theory of mental illness, is
believed to have accomplished a high recovery rate in his treatment of
schizophrenia during the 1920s (Wake, 2008).
Bateson and colleagues (1956) believed that if a child receives
contradictory messages from their parents they are unable to construct an
internally coherent perception of reality and it could lead to develop
schizophrenic symptoms.
Evidence suggests that attachment styles may
influence subclinical psychosis phenotypes (schizotypy) and affective disorders
and may play a part in the association between psychosis and childhood
adversity (Russo et al, 2017). Social attachment is a biological and affective need (Trémeau
et al., 2016). In the later years Pinto, Ashworth and Jones (2008) hypothesized
that the risk of developing schizophrenia can increase particular types of
deprived childhood environments. Although schizophrenia is primarily genetic
the social environment cannot be ignored. Studies show that the social
environment can increase the 1% schizophrenia average by a factor of ten (Pinto
et al., 2008). In addition Rajkumar (2014) indicates that disturbed childhood attachment leads to core psychological
and neurochemical abnormalities which are implicated in the genesis of
schizophrenia and also affect its outcome.
Freud was unacquainted with neurochemical abnormalities he based his theory of
schizophrenia on a pre-structural libido model (Goldstein, 1978). As Freud
described the libido is part of the id and is the driving force of all
behavior. Libido is a motivational energy of the life instincts.
to the psycho-dynamic approach Schizophrenia is the result of the
disintegration of the ego (Clarke, 2012). The Ego operates according to the
reality principle. Fundamentally, the Ego has a set of psychic functions able
to distinguish between fantasy and reality. It organizes thoughts and makes
sense of the world. The Ego represents reason and common sense (Siegfried,
2014). Freud regarded Ego as a coherent organization of mental processes. Ego
death represents a complete loss of subjective self-identity.
stated that hysteria, obsessional neurosis and hallucinatory confusion are
“three forms of defense (Freud, 1894). For Freud psychotic delusion was a
defensive psychical reaction with a narcissistic dimension. As described by
Freud delusional thinking arises as a result of the reaction-formation and
projection of threatening unconscious homosexual wishes (Chalus, 1977).
Furthermore he considered paranoia is a form of psychoneuroses (Freud, 1892). Freud concluded that psychosis is triggered
by “a disturbance in the relationship between the ego and the external world (Freud,
1924a). Feldmann (1989) indicated that in schizophrenic delusion, there is some 'effort after
meaning' manifest, compensating for psychotic disintegration.
1911 hypothesis explains the basic disorder in schizophrenia consists in the
patient's inability to maintain the object relations. The Object Relations
theories emphasize the first years of life, ‘the pre oedipal period’ in which
nature of early human relationships determine the healthy physical and
psychological development of the person, which are supposed to be developed
through experiences with significant persons and situations. The individuals
with schizophrenia lack basic trust; have poor ego boundaries, and a
vulnerability to psychosis, which may follow reality testing disturbances
(Khanum & Ahmad, 2012).
1911 Freud argued that there is a unidirectional relationship between a
delusional belief and consensually validatable reality: the delusion structures
reality in accordance with the delusion's demand (Hole, Rush& Beck, 1979).
(1948) concluded that object relation is a theoretical-derived concept
comprising aspects of interpersonal functioning. Object-relations theory
explains human behavior in terms of a person's inner experiences of others,
which are called objects. Internalization of relationships, projective
identification, and containment are concepts within object-relations theory
that help to explain the confusing and frustrating behavior of acutely
psychotic patients (Connick Jamison & Kane, 1996).
to Khanum and Ahmad (2012) Object relation deficits are well studied in
patients of schizophrenia. The disturbed object relation may take the form of
either physical or emotional withdrawal (Weiner, 1966).
Between 1905 and 1911 a perspective slowly
appeared in Freud's works
-- a perspective which he considered "historical" and which he
eventually named "history of the libido's development" ("Entwicklungsgeschichte
der Libido")
in 1911( Cotti ,2004). The psychoanalytic sense
of "libido," which Freud describes as an energy that can be directed
to human beings or, as in the case of the anchorite in the example, sublimated
and directed toward non-human objects such as God or nature. For Freud, libido was the major force in personality
development, and he posited sexual conflicts as the heart of neuroses, sexual
fixations as the essence of perversions (Person, 2005).
believed that schizophrenia occurs when the ego becomes overwhelmed by demands
of id or besieged by unbearable guilt from the superego. In schizophrenia
disintegration of the ego occurs. The ego cannot cope so it uses defense
mechanisms to protect itself which is regression. The schizophrenic’s fantasies
become confused with reality which gives rise to hallucinations and delusions.
Freud is suggesting that the schizophrenic is dreaming and the hallucinations
are not really happening, but they cannot tell the difference between dreams
and reality.
For Freud Schizophrenia was an infantile state. He stated
that symptoms such as delusions of grandeur reflect this primitive state.
He further thought that auditory hallucinations reflect the persons
attempt to re- establish ego control. Freud
assumed that that patients with Schizophrenia regress to a state of primary
narcissism. The conception of
narcissism according to Freud involves a number of different issues and
hypotheses (Palmowski, 1989).
narcissism is the initial focus on the self with which all infants start and
happens from around six month up to around six years. It is a defense mechanism
that is used to protect the child from psychic damage during the formation of
the individual self. According to
Freud new-born babies are characterized by primary narcissism, that he
defines as the “libidinal complement to the egoism of the instinct of
self-preservation.” In other words, primary narcissism, which would predominate
until the development of the Ego, corresponds to an innate instinctual behavior
which is mainly driven by the desire and energy of the newborn to survive, and
by a capability of satisfying these instincts on itself (“auto-ero-tism”) ( Perogamvros,
1911 Freud analyzed the Daniel Paul Schreber 's
memoirs. Schreber - a German judge was diagnosed with Dementia Praecox.
Freud used his "libido" theory to analyze Schreber’s illness. Freud
considered this to be a consequence of two libidinal cathectic fixations
(Silber, 2014).
on his analysis Freud concluded that the disorder could not be treated
psychoanalytically because of the disorder's inherent deficits in the capacity
for object relatedness, including the therapeutically necessary development of transference
to the treating person (McGlashan, 2009). However Around 1907 to 1908, some of
Freud’s inner circle, Federn, Jung, and Abraham, began to express that
psychoanalysis could be applied effectively to schizophrenia (Osborn,
to Freud’s libido decathexis-restitution model of schizophrenia in 1914 he
argued that these patients cannot develop transferences towards the analyst,
and therefore, analysis cannot be effective. However in 1924 Freud attempted to
widen the scope of psychoanalysis to include more severe psychiatric illness,
including schizophrenia (Ridenour, 2016). Freud’s approach coincide with Kohut
(1984) who argued that psychoanalytic treatment begins with the understanding
phase –empathy and moves towards the explaining phase –interpretation (Ridenour, 2016; Kohut, 1984).
"Project for a Scientific Psychology" (1895) reflected his attempt to
explain psychic phenomena in neurobiological terms. His basic hypothesis was that
neurons were vehicles for the conduction of "currents" or
"excitations," and that they were connected to one another. Using
this model, Freud attempted to describe a number of mental phenomena,
including: consciousnesses, perception, affect self, cognition, dreaming,
memory, and symptom formation. However, he was unable to complete his
exploration of these mental processes because he lacked the information and
technology that became available over the following century (Glucksman, 2016).
If Freud had lived several more productive years he would have given a more
rational explanation of Schizophrenia.
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Dear Doctor,
ReplyDeleteif you have some time try to read this
click on පොතකියවිමට link even though it was written in Sinhala this Most Ven Rerukane chandawimala has manage to write this book more than 50 years ago using sutta pitaka extractions, you will be amazed how Buddha was able to analyse the human mind
Once I tried to translate Abhidamma in to English ; I tried to compare Freudian mind analysis and Abhidamma
DeleteDoctor this is from Suththa Pitaka extraction, this shows deceptive nature of the human mind you very rarely get to listen to this type of Dhamma sermons. Most Buddhist do not know about this