Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.
Matricide is the killing of a mother by her biological
child. It is one of the rarest of reported murders and has
always been considered as one of the most abhorrent crimes (Catanesi et al.,
2014). The matricidal theme has its roots in Greek
mythology. According to Greek mythology
Prince Orestes avenged the murder of his father, King Agamemnon of Mycenae, by
killing his own mother, Clytemnestra. The Roman Emperor Nero, who ruled Rome
between AD 55 and AD 68, ordered the murder of his mother Julia Augusta
Over the years a number of matricides have been reported in
Sri Lanka. It has not been discussed in
great detail by the mental health professionals. Recently in Kotakethana- Sri Lanka 18 year old son killed his 39 year
old mother after a quarrel over Rs 1500. This event shocked the Nation and it
was marked as one of the horrible crimes.
Specific psychodynamic and environmental factors can be
identified in this murder. Although self-affirmation motive was associated, the
son’s criminal act leaves some unanswered questions. He committed his crime
when he was having a violent argument with his mother.The evidence suggests
that the action was not involuntary or performed while unconscious. However The
perpetrator’s mental health condition, his emotional attachment to the mother, socioeconomic
status, family stress and parenting style and structure have to be investigated
before coming to any specific conclusion. In addition Kotakethana -an area
where series of crimes against women occurred in the past few years may have
had some impact on the killer
Youth-to-parent physical aggression (YPA) is gradually increasing in Sri
Lanka. Several matricides and patricides have been reported during 2012 to
2015. Some of the murders were committed following psychotic factors and some
without any serious mental disorder. The main difference between murderers with
a major mental disorder and murderers without any mental disorder is the
psychopathology of the morbid process which underlies the homicide
(Richard-Devantoy et al., 2009). In Kotakethana matricide, the
perpetrator's mental health assessment yet to be done. Therefore his
mental state at the time of the crime is still unknown.
Some view matricide as a crime against nature. Dutton and Yamini (1995)
state that case histories of parricide by adolescents frequently reveal a
history of abuse on the part of the victim and acute depression and suicidal
ideation by the adolescent.
There are a number of theories such as psychoanalytic theory, family
systems theory, and cognitive behaviorism explain matricide. According to the
psychodynamic interpretations the murderous impulse to kill a parent might have
oedipal origins, as a defense against hostility or incestuous desires (Sadoff,
1971). Sigmund Freud argued that matricide served as
a displacement defense against incestuous impulses (West & Feldsher, 2010).
According to the Family Systems theory primary cause of
matricide attributes to an abusive and pathological family structure. These
families often have conflict-oriented style of problem solving. Offenders have
experienced chronic hatred for the parent-victim.
American Psychiatrist Dr. Fredric Wertham described sons who kill their mothers
in terms of the “Orestes Complex,” which refers to ambivalent feelings toward
the mother that ultimately manifest in homicidal rage (West & Feldsher, 2010). According to Wertham (1941) matricide
represent the son’s unconscious hatred for his mother superimposed on sexual
desire for her. Wertham’s “Orestes
complex” described a sexually immature but homosexually orientated son, trapped
in a dependent but hostile relationship with a possessive mother.
Silva and colleagues (1989) hypothesized that an unresolved incestuous
conflict or a parent-victim who mistreats the child excessively may push the
child to the point of explosive violence (Bourget et al.,
2007). O’Connell (1963) stated that a son who kills his mother
is usually an unmarried, un-ambitious young man with an intense relationship
with his mother, a feeling of social inferiority, and an absent or passive
father. Men who commit matricide feel weak, hopeless, and dependent, and are
unable to accept a separate, mature male role (Campion et al., 1985).
Empirical analysis of homicides in which children have killed
parents has been limited. Matricide occurs in less than 1% of all homicides
(Holcomb, 2000). Matricide accounts for 20-30% of homicides committed by
psychotic individuals (Marleau et al.2003). The
killing of mothers by their biological children, comprising less that 2% of all
U.S (Heide & Frei, 2010). Between 1990 and 2005, 27 mothers were
killed by their children in the province of Quebec, Canada (Bourget et al.,
2007). The vast majority of people
who commit matricide are males (Heide, 1993). Perpetrators often reside with
the victim and frequently use painful methods and excessive violence in
committing the murder (Clark, 1993). Some mutilate their victims’ bodies.
Most prominent characteristics across matricide types are
severe mental illness, a domineering mother, a hostile-dependent relationship
with the mother, a passive or withdrawn father, and over kill behavior
(Holcomb, 2000). The risk of parricide may increase with the presence of unidentified
mental illness (Bourget et al., 2004).
Gilles (1965) viewed matricide as a schizophrenic
crime. Arnfred (1946) reported a case of matricide the perpetrator of which
subsequently proved to be suffering from Schizophrenia. Ogunwale and Abayomi
(2012) explicate that matricide has been linked to schizophrenia for
several decades with an assortment of explanations to explain the
connection. There are complex psychodynamic, phenomenological and
contextual factors in the act of matricide by persons with
Campion and colleagues (1985) studied 15 men who
committed matricide. The majority were diagnosed as having chronic
schizophrenia and had been living alone with their mothers. Other diagnoses
included substance-induced psychosis and impulse disorders. They conclude that
the matricidal impulse evolves through successive stages of psychological
development; therefore, the motives for matricide are varied and
correlate with the level of psychological development or regression.
Singhal and Dutta (1992) studied sixteen men who
committed matricide. Fifteen out of sixteen cases had a diagnosis of
schizophrenia and the remaining patient had a diagnosis of schizophrenia with
personality disorder. All were single at the time of
the matricide. Data indicate an intense conflict-laden and ambivalent
relationship between the majority of patients with their mothers.
Dogan and colleagues (2010) present a case of a 57-year-old woman who was decapitated and
her right arm and both hands were dismembered. It was determined that the
victim was murdered and dismembered by her 33-year-old daughter, who had been
receiving treatment for schizophrenia for 15 years.
Mouridsen and Tolstrup (1988) presented a 9-yr-old boy who intentionally
killed his mother. According to the researchers no severe family conflicts
or other psychogenic factors which could explain the action were found. Apart
from some indications of possible epilepsy in the EEG (not confirmed
clinically) no somatic pathology was verified. During one year's stay in the
child psychiatric department after the homicide the boy was psychotic, probably
suffering from a schizophrenic disorder which is presumed to have developed in
the years preceding the matricide.
an association does appear to exist between matricide and schizophrenia, it is
not a triggering factor to commit
matricide. Individuals suffering from Schizopherenia are not aggressive all the
time. Dr Derek Chiswick -Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychiatry, University of
Edinburgh indicates that thousands of schizophrenic sons live in peace with
their mothers, neither assaulting nor killing them.
Matricide had been reported in cases of Capgras' delusion, a misidentification
syndrome characterized by the false belief that imposters have replaced people
familiar to the individual. Capgras' syndrome could lie at the base of
aggressive and homicidal acts directed towards family members during psychotic
breakdown (Casu et al., 1994).
Holcomb (2000) hypothesized that matricide is a primal aggression in
search of self-affirmation. A "pathologic" mother-son bond could be
observed in most of matricide cases. Catanesi and colleagues (2014) indicate
that the peculiar dynamics of the mother-son relationship and the unique
personalities and life experiences of both subjects are the real key to cases
of matricide.
Schlesinger (1999) reported a case of a 16-year-old male who committed a
sexual matricide following years of mother-son incest is reported. After
murdering his mother by strangulation, which itself was sexually arousing, the
youngster engaged in both vaginal and anal necrophilia.
Recent data suggest that personality disorders, especially antisocial and
borderline, are strongly related to the manifestation of violent acts.
Biological factors seem to constitute a risk factor for violent behavior
independently of personality. (Fountoulakis et al., 2008).
It has been argued that, when an intense disturbance exists in the
personality of the mother of the child or in their relationship, the struggle
of the child for independence can take the form of a violent event, even a
murder (Livaditis et al., 2005). According to Campion and team
(1985) many people who commit matricide consider their crime as an act of
catharsis, liberation, metamorphosis against a humiliating
relationship that threatens their sexual and social identity.
Some individuals had committed
matricides while they were on catathymic crisis. In most cases the homicide had taken place while the perpetrator was
in a dissociative state and experiencing
a catathymic crisis: the sudden release of emotionally charged psychic
conflict and tension, resulting in extreme violence within an interpersonal
The theory of Catathymic Crisis was presented in 1937 by Dr. Frederic
Wertham as an explanation for some types violent and seemingly motivationless
crimes (Arthur & Garrison, 1996). Wertham (1937) introduced the
inner psychic catathymic crisis which is characterized by an unbearable
emotional excitement (fear, rage, and desperation) a sense of being hemmed in
an inevitable process and acting like an automaton to explain homicides such as
matricides. Catathymic crisis is an unexpected explosive outburst of impulsive
often destructive behavior understandable only in terms of unconscious
There have been reactive matricides, not psychotic and it had occurred
as a response to severe family dysfunction.
Hostile-dependent relationship with victim has been identified.
Many cases of matricide are neither predictable nor preventable
(Chiswick, 1981) unless there is a history of violent behavior by a particular
individual. An ongoing pattern of family violence exists in the home could be one of
the risk factors.
Heide (1992) identified three primary types of parricide
offenders: the severely abused child, the dangerously antisocial child, and the
severely mentally ill child. As described by Heide (1992) Dangerously
Antisocial Children (DAC) kill the parent to further their own goals. In these
cases, the parent is an obstacle in their path to getting what they want. These
individuals, for example, may kill to have more freedom, to continue dating a
person to whom the parents object, and to inherit money they believe is
eventually coming to them.The Kotakethana perpetrator would fit in to the DAC
(Dangerously Antisocial Children) category.
The aetiopathogeny of the Kotakethana matricide act is still
unknown. Nonetheless it indicates psychosocial, socio-economical factors
associated with the crime. Low income, lack of education, lack of
social support, unemployment, degradation of family values had been viewed
as aggravated factors. These social maladies demonstrate that there
is an immediate need to include spiritual education, psychiatric care and
counseling services in the rural areas.
1) Dr. Kamil Hakan Dogan - Assoc.Prof Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Selcuk University, Konya Turkey
2) Dr.
A. Ogunwale -Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Aro, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
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