Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge
Homosexuality is
defined as the orientation of sexual need, desire, or responsiveness towards
other persons of the same gender (Masango, 2002). Although definitions
of the term often focus mainly on sexual acts and attractions persons of the
same biological sex , homosexuality also refers to patterns of same sex
romantic and emotional bonding identifies and communities based on same sex
desires and relationships and the shared culture created by those communities
(Herek, 1996).
Homosexuality has been present in
human civilization from ancient times (Somasundaram & Tejus Murthy, 2016). References
to same-sex couples and activity have been noted as far back as 600 B.C. on
ancient Japanese and Chinese pottery. Ancient Greek and Roman art is full of
depictions of same-sex couples (Steever
et al., 2013). Plato (428- 348 BC) in
his Symposium provides the outline for an archetypally-based image of
homosexual love: “Each of us when separated, having one side only, like a flat
fish, is but the indenture of a man, and he is always looking for his other
half” (Plato, 1956, p. 355; Walker, 1991).
The ancient Sri Lankans had social
tolerance of homosexuality probably due to
the Buddhist teachings that did not condemn LGBT people. The Buddhist Jataka stories
discuss homosexuality without homophobic prejudice
(Jayatunge, 2015). According to some scholars;
early Buddhism appears to have placed no special stigma on homosexual relations
(Coleman, 2002). There had been greater acceptance of homosexuality in ancient Sri Lanka.
According to The Mahawansa the great chronicle that
relates the history of Sri Lank describes an intimate relationship between the King
Kumaradasa and the renowned Sanskrit poet Kalidasa in the 5th century CE. The
Upāsakajanalankara, for example, a 14th century Sri Lankan texts for lay
people, includes a long and detailed section on sexual misconduct but makes no
mention of homosexuality (Saddhatissa, 1965; Bhante Dhammika , 2018). In 1547 AD the Portuguese soldier
Joao de Casto wrote a letter to the Governor of Goa stating that the King Bhuvanaka Bahu III of Kotte used to engage in gay activates.
The English sailor Robert Knox (1641 – 1720) who spent 20 years in Sri Lanka as a
prisoner wrote ; Most of his Attendants
are Boys, and Young Men, that are well favored, and of good Parentage. For the
supplying himself with these, he gives order to his Dissava’s or Governors of
the countreys to pick and choose out Boys, that are comely and of good Descent,
and send them to the Court. These boys go bare-headed with long hair hanging
down their backs. Not that he is guilty of Sodomy, nor did I ever hear the Sin
so much as mentioned among them (Robert Knox, An Historical Relation of the
Island of Ceylon, 1681,).
Opposition to homosexuality in
Sri Lanka started with the Colonial rule and the Church’s influence. Probably
the first mention of homosexuality with strong disapproval came from a Portuguese observer in the
early 16th century (Bhante Dhammika ,
2018).Homosexuality has long been sources of contention within the institution
after 1505 with the Portuguese influence. The Church’s declaration on sexual ethics
impacted the same-sex sexuality in Sri Lanka. The non-heterosexual orientation had been
described as a violation of norms in the area of sexuality. During this period
a large number of LGBT people were subjected to numerous harassment and
discrimination. Regrettably religious and cultural basis of homophobia still exists in the Island. Negative
attitudes toward LGBT population are common and widespread in the contemporary Sri Lankan society.
In the Western World up until 1973, homosexuality was
considered to be a mental illness. It brought psychiatric stigma to the LGBT
people in Western societies. Official reviews of homosexuality as
both an illness and (for men) a crime led to discrimination, inhumane
treatments and shame, guilt and fear for gay men and lesbians (King &
Bartlett, 1999). In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed
homosexuality from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In
1975, the American Psychological Association stated that homosexuality was not a disorder and that
homophobia was a form of prejudice based on stereotypes (Tate & Longo ,2004).Homosexuality is
now more commonly regarded as a normal variant of human sexuality
(Drescher ,2008).
Sexual orientation refers to a dispositional sexual
attraction towards persons of the opposite sex or same sex (Rahman, 2005). Some
researchers believe that sexual orientation is beyond a person's control. Most
scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a
complex interaction of environmental, cognitive, and biological factors (Kórász
,2013).However an alarming
stigmatization and discrimination of homosexual people persists despite the
formal depathologization of homosexuality,
which occurred through the removal of the diagnosis from
the DSM- (1973) and classification from the
ICD (1991) (Mahler & Mundle ,2015).
Psychology regards homosexuality as an alternative form
of sexuality that is not associated with pathology
(Herek, 1996). Sexual identity and sexual orientation
are independent components of a person's sexual identity
(Roselli, 2017). Sigmund
Freud (1905) asserted that an exclusive heterosexual orientation does not only
result from biological causes, but also is influenced by societal prohibitions
on homoerotism and by early experiences with parents (Herek, 1984).
Between 1968 and 1969, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre
Elliott Trudeau sparked a controversy surrounding his liberal government's
passage of Bill C-150, which decriminalized homosexual
acts between consenting adults in private (Chambers,2010). Significant moments
in sexual minority rights lead to change the laws that repressed LGBT people. Many Western countries have decriminalized homosexuality at present. Although a large number of countries worldwide
has legalized homosexual rights homosexuality is still illegal in Sri Lanka and
Under Section 365A of the country's penal code, homosexual acts are punishable
by a jail term of up to ten years. These colonial era laws compromise health
and human rights of the LGBT people in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan legal system does not protect sexual
preferences of gays, lesbians and transsexuals. Same-sex marriage is not recognized in
Sri Lanka. Homosexuality is
illegal and considered to be a taboo subject. Those who do
advocacy for the LGBT population often face threats and humiliation. LGBT people living in Sri Lanka constantly
face stigma, bullying, LGBT directed outrage, marginalization, sexual
victimization and discrimination. Gay men are often called carriers' of
AIDS. Hate crimes and hate speech against gay and lesbian victims
are not rare. They face undeserved treatment and injustice. LGBT population
faces derogatory labeling, public humiliation frequently by mainstream media. Stereotypic and stigmatic attitudes toward gay
people often lead them to hide their sexual orientation. Some gay people report
high levels of being uncomfortable with their sexuality. Some face family
rejection following their sexual orientation. Stigma and discrimination have a
negative impact on the lives of LGBT people in Sri Lanka.
Prejudice and discrimination against LGBT individuals
is widespread and has been shown to have negative consequences for sexual and
gender minority persons' physical and psychological wellbeing
(Morrison et al., 2018).Discrimination causes health inequities for stigmatized
groups (Pomeranz, 2018).
Stigma operates at several levels to affect
health, including internalized (e.g. sexual minorities’ negative thoughts,
feelings, and behaviours about their own sexuality), interpersonal (e.g.
discrimination) and structural (e.g. legislation that enshrines disadvantage in
law) (Pachankis et al., 2015). McDermott and group (2008) demonstrate a strong
link between homophobia and self-destructive behaviours. Societal and
internalized homophobia could increase sexually transmitted infection
acquisition (Steever et al., 2014). Research has
documented significant relationships between sexual and gender minority stress
and higher rates of suicidality (i.e. suicidal ideation and attempts) and substance use problems (Mereish et al.,2014). LGBT people have higher
prevalence of mental health problems.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender population
face numerous psycho social problems. Following anti-gay sentiments they often
become victims of violence. There are mental health problems among the members
of the LGBT community. Some abuse drugs to ease their emotional pain. Disproportionate
levels of substance use can be seen among the sexual minority young people. Due to homophobia they find it difficult to form
meaningful, long-term, same-sex relationships.
Homophobia is the irrational fear and hatred of those
who love and sexually desire those of the same sex. Homophobia is a socially
accepted, culturally based belief, which is heavily influenced by an individual's
or a community's inherent attitudes, beliefs and values (Richmond &
McKenna, 1998). Homophobia not only damages individuals who are gay, lesbian,
bisexual, or transgendered, but also limits heterosexuals by locking them into
rigid gender-based roles (Tate & Longo, 2004). However some ome propose homonegativism
instead of homophobia. Homonegativism is a multidimensional construct that
encompasses the entire domain of anti-gay responses, including attitudes,
beliefs, and judgments regarding homosexuality (Bernat et al.,2001).
Homophobia has very complex roots. Homophobic attitudes
derive from non-liberal attitudes, fixation to social inequality and religious
fundamentalism. Sandor Ferenczi (1914)
suggested that heterosexual men's feelings of aversion, hostility, and disgust
toward male homosexuality really are reaction-formations and symptomatic of
defense against affection for the same sex. Ferenczi did not extend his
analysis to women's attitudes or to attitudes toward lesbians, but similar processes
might be inferred (Herek, 1984). West
(1977) viwed homophobia as the anxiety about the possibility of being or
becoming a homosexual may be a major factor in homophobia According to Cory
(1951) negative feelings toward opposite-sex homosexuals result from
heterosexuals' feelings of rejection as potential sexual partners.
Homophobia has created an unconstructive environment
for the LGBT people in Sri Lanka. They are impacted by silence, identity
concealment, and repression. Some live
with uncertainty. They experience sexual
and mental health disparities. Higher
rates of mental health concerns are prevailing among them. Many experience
depression and adjustment disorders. In addition many sexual minorities’ are
impacted by addiction disorders. Following overwhelming social pressure and discrimination
a considerable number of same sex couples had committed suicide in the past two
Religious organizations and media constitute a
significant source of the homophobia in Sri Lanka.
They label LGBT people as sinners and potential threat to the moral foundation
of the society. Fear of AIDS and homophobia are often interconnected. According
to Meyer (2003) stigma, prejudice, and discrimination create a hostile
and stressful social environment that causes mental health problems among the
LGBT population. Furthermore Chakraborty and team (2011) state that
perceived discrimination may act as a social stressor in the genesis of mental
health problems in this population. These social, political and cultural
pressures may produce powerful and enduring emotional reactions among the LGBT
Although lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and
intersex movement has no strong voice in Sri Lanka several organizations have
taken active measures to eradicate homophobia in the Sri Lanka. These
organizations help to improve wellbeing of the LGBT.
Homophobia prevails in
personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural
levels. It has to be dealt with constructively. Kozloski (2010)
believe that education has a stronger connection with tolerance. Higher
educated people tend to be more accepting of homosexuality than
lower educated people (la Roi &, Mandemakers, 2018).
Education can change public perception of same-sex
relations in Sri Lanka. Promotion of liberal values and sexual
conservativeness are important with regard to
personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural
misunderstanding of homosexuality. Political tolerance of homosexuals also an
essential feature that ought to be established. Civil society should understand
and recognize the LGBT rights. In addition anti-discrimination policies
should be introduced to protect the LGBT rights. Social and legal inclusion
would help them to integrate in to society. Legal and social recognition
of same sex relationships may reduce discrimination.
Eradicating homophobia and socio-cultural
barriers may uplift the wellbeing of the LGBT people in Sri Lanka. Promoting social inclusion would help the
LGBT people to earn their status as equal
members of society.
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Dr. Ruwan Jayathunga. I have completed another radio story from your Short story Seeni Sambolaya and listen from this link 1IkWmr-P-BtHIONxSDI_4r_V0AssXyz2G . If you wish to have any changes please let us know before 25th It will be webcast at 4 p.m on 29th Sep . In addition to Sawana radio is like to have an Radio interview with you about your Canadian Experience, about you , your research and your blog through our one hour program Sakaman Maluwa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKdgf7UZtjY please let me know. Once again thank you for your permission to use your stories Anuruddha anuruddhawe@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThanks , I could not list because the link does not work. Indeed we can talk about Canadian Experience, Pl email me the radio link for the short story ruwanmjayatunge@gmail.com