Sunday, February 23, 2025

Richard de Zoysa ; Gone but Never Forgotten

I first saw Richard de Zoysa in 1985 at the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. He was a handsome and very attractive young man. Once when I was at the reception, he came and spoke to the SLBC receptionist, Deepthi and handed over a voucher for a program that he did the other day. The other receptionists ( I have forgotten their names) were looking at him, but he was unresponsive. Although he hardly spoke with others, I don't think he was a prideful person. I think he was an introvert. On several occasions I had seen him speaking freely with Ravi John, Rajan Vairawanathan and Aurn Dias Bandaranayake. For us, Richard was unreachable. Therefore, I frequently moved with Neranjan Abesundara , Channa Perera and Yusuf Noordeen.     

I had the habit of going to the SLBC LP record room and requesting records from Gunasekara, who was a sort of librarian. While checking LPs, I used to play songs there. I remember once I played Deep Purple's song "Speed King" loudly and blasted the record room. While I was listening to the song at full volume, Richard came to me and looked into my eyes, and without saying anything, he left the record room. At that moment I realized that I disturbed him. Indeed, Richard was listening to Tchaikovsky's opera, and I ruined his peace of mind. He was a refined man and did not say anything to his distractor. However, his action was a symbol of protest. Later, Leon Bellath came to know that I was playing hard rock music, disturbing others. He asked me, "Do you really enjoy this type of music? I said yes. 

Richard loved classical music. Even he used to whistle classical tunes. I still recall how he read a page from Rudyard Kipling's book. It was a heavenly voice. He was a multi-talented person. A gifted individual. I would say Jimmy Bharucha and Richard de Zoysa were the best broadcasters of our time. Sadly, he was taken from us unexpectedly and savagely. 

Who killed him? Who gave the order? How could they torture and kill such an innocent, accomplished, gentle person? By killing Richard, they killed a whole generation of talented youth with inspirations and expectations.

If the killers knew his talents, they would think twice about eliminating a person like Richard de Zoysa. 

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

අළුත්කඩේ ඝාතකයාට ආශක්ත වීම

කාන්තා පාර්ශවයේ බොහෝ දෙනෙක් අළුත්කඩේ ඝාතකයාට ආශක්ත වෙලා එයා ගැන කවි නිසැඳස් ලියනවා. මිනීමරුවාට කොන්දේසි විරහිතව ආදරය කරනවා. මේකට මනෝ විද්යාත්මක හේතුවක් තියනවා. මේ තත්වයට කියන්නේ Hybristophilia (Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome ) කියලා. මේ තත්වය බෞද්ධ ජාතක කතාවකත් සඳහන් වෙනවා. මා විසින් බෞද්ධ හා පාලි විශ්ව විද්යාලයේ සිදු කල දේශනයකදී මේ තත්වය ගැන සඳහන් කලා. 45.15 කොටසේදී.

Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome (Hybristophilia) Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome, or Hybristophilia is a paraphilia of the predatory type in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime, such as rape or murder.
The Buddhist literature reveals a rich girl named Kundala Keshi who was sternly attracted to a criminal when she accidentally saw him through her window. The King’s men were taking him to the burial ground to decapitate. His well-built physique with a rough vagabond look vigorously attracted her. She immediately fell in love with the criminal. She urged her wealthy father to rescue the outlaw from the King’s men. The affluent father bribed the king’s men and released the criminal. He was secretly brought to Kundala Keshi's house, and they became husband and wife.

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. PhD
Clinical Psychologist

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Psychological Effects of Torture ; Presentation


The Psychological Effects of Torture


Torture and its Psychological/Sociological and Political Implications

Discussion by

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D., Ph.D.

(This program was conducted under the guidance of Stanford University.)

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