Ruwan M
Jayatunge M.D.
In 1987 an accidental discovery revealed an association
between certain eye movements and reduced levels of distress resulting from
traumatic memories. The result was a new psychological intervention, eye
movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) (Blore, 1996). The American Psychiatric
Association Practice Guideline (2004) has recommended EMDR as one of the
first-line treatments of trauma. The Department of Veterans Affairs & Department of
Defense (2010) have placed EMDR as one of the most effective PTSD
psychotherapies. EMDR is now considered evidence based practice in the
treatment of trauma symptoms (Lee & Cuijpers, 2013).
EMDR has received
widely divergent reactions from the scientific and professional community
(Perkins et al., 2002). However
its mechanism of action remains unclear and much controversy exists about
whether eye movements or other forms of bilateral kinesthetic
stimulation contribute to its clinical effects beyond the exposure elements of
the procedure (Servan-Schreiber et al., 2006). Therefore EMDR requires explanation
(Hassard, 1996).
search for EMDR’s mechanisms of action began in the early 1990s, initially proceeding
slowly and tentatively (Bergmann, 2010). There are a number of theories that
attempt to explain the mechanism of EMDR.
Information Processing
EMDR is a therapeutic approach guided by the
adaptive information processing (AIP) model (Solomon & Shapiro, 2008). The AIP model portrays an innate healing
system hypothesized to be composed of neurophysiological mechanisms of action
causally related to the resolution of disturbing life experiences (Cotraccia,
2012). According to Shapiro (2001) when trauma is overwhelming strong negative
feelings or dissociation interfere with information processing. Therefore
dysfunctionally stored memories with inappropriate associative connections
impact the PTSD victim. EMDR transmute the dysfunctionally stored experiences
into an adaptive resolution promoting psychological health (Bergmann,
2010). Hence in EMDR traumatic memories
lose their emotional charge (de Jongh et al., 2013).
The REM Effect
Eye movements during recall of an
aversive memory are a treatment element unique to EMDR (Leer et al.,
2014). Eye movements are known to improve episodic memory retrieval in healthy
adults and to facilitate the processing of traumatic memories in EMDR
therapy (Samara et al.,
2011). Furthermore Shapiro, in her original description of EMDR,
proposed that its directed eye movements mimic the saccades of rapid eye
movement sleep (REM) (Stickgold, 2002). Eye movements during EMDR
activate cholinergic and inhibit sympathetic systems and this reactivity has
similarities with the pattern during REM-sleep (Elofsson et al., 2008).
REM sleep is physiologically
different from the other phases of sleep (Ezenwanne, 2015) and has been associated with
gains in semantic and emotional memory
(Gujar et al., 2011) and the regulation of
emotional reactivity (Nishida et al., 2009).
A recent study suggested
that REM sleep is associated with modulation of expectation-mediated placebo
analgesia (Chouchou et al., 2015). REM sleep is punctuated and immediately
preceded by ponto-geniculo-occipital waves (PGO) waves, bursts of electrical
activity originating in the brain stem (Steriade & McCarley, 1990). In
addition REM sleep is suspected to have a memory consolidation function and
induced eye movements could generate ponto-geniculo-occipital equivalent spikes
and EMDR could be explained as a focused and artificial exploitation of the
rapid-eye-movement sleep mechanism (Hassard, 1996).
Ponto-geniculo-occipital potentials appear in
the brainstem, thalamus and cerebral cortex during rapid eye movement sleep
(Amzica & Steriade, 1996) and play an important role in triggering and maintaining
rapid eye movement sleep. Ponto-geniculo-occipital
waves have been implicated in several important functions such as sensorimotor
integration, learning, cognition, development of the visual system, visual
hallucination, and startle response (Datta & Hobson, 1995).
Jeffries and Davis (2013)
hypothesized that eye movements may be more effective at reducing
distress. Bilateral ocular stimulation activates
orbito-frontal, prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex (Pagani et al., 2012).
The findings by Leer and team (2014) suggested that recall with eye movements
causes 24-h changes in memory vividness/emotionality, which may explain
part of the EMDR treatment effect, and these effects are related to
intervention duration. Eye movement also decreases the memory's image
clarity and the accompanying excitement (Zarghi, Zali & Tehranidost, 2013).
Stickgold (2002) proposed that the repetitive
redirecting of attention in EMDR induces a neurobiological state, similar to
that of REM sleep, which is optimally configured to support the cortical
integration of traumatic memories into general semantic networks.
Rosas Uribe and colleagues
(2010) denoted that EMDR has positive effect on emotional cognitive
processing and long-term memory conceptual organization.
EMDR facilitates accessing and
processing of negative material while presumably creating new associative links
(Herkt et al, 2014).
Some researchers have speculated that series of horizontal
saccadic eye movements increase the functional connectivity of the two brain
hemispheres (Samara et al., 20111).
A variety of nervous system components such
as medulla, pons, midbrain, cerebellum, basal ganglia, parietal, frontal and
occipital lobes have role in EMDR processes (Zarghi et al., 2013). Farina and
team (2015) found a significant increase of alpha power in the left inferior
temporal gyrus after administering EMDR. Herkt et al (2014) found
increased activation of the amygdala upon bilateral EMDR stimulation even in healthy
Activation of Benzodiazepine Receptor
There is accumulating evidence that benzodiazepines agents
widely used as anxiolytics and hypnotics-could be regarded as
"natural" drugs since they have been found in trace amounts also in
plants, various tissues of different animal species and even humans (Klotz, 1991). Möhler and Okada (1977) found natural benzodiazepine receptor in the brain. As
described by Möhler and Okada (1978) the receptor is mainly localized in the synaptic membrane
fraction and has its highest density in cortical areas of the brain. Naturally
occurring benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like molecules in brain are
involved in the modulation of memory processes (Medina, Paladini
& Izquierdo, 1993). Jayatune (2008) hypothesized that EMDR activates
natural benzodiazepine receptor in the brain.
Concluding Thoughts
an effective mode of psychotherapy. There are several theoretical explanations of how EMDR might work. According to
one explanation EMDR mimics the saccades of rapid eye movement sleep. Another
theory elucidates that EMDR transmute the dysfunctionally stored experiences
into an adaptive resolution. In addition
activation of benzodiazepine receptor in the brain following EMDR is another
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thanks for posting your academic writing . I did my research (PhD) on neurobilogical/ physiological basis of emotins
ReplyDeleteThat is great ; I wrote a book on EMDR its available at the Sarasavi book store