Thursday, March 6, 2025

උඩරට අය සුද්දට රට පාවා දුන්නාද ?

උඩරට අය  සුද්දට රට පාවා දුන්නා කියල  කිව්වට   ඒක වැරදි කතාවක්. සුද්දාට පෙර ආ පෘතුගීසි , ලන්දේසි ආදී ආක්‍රමනිකයන්ට ඉඳුම් හිටුම් දීලා ඔවුන්ට බලකොටු හදලා දීලා ඔවුන් ගේ හමුදා වල ලස්කිරිඤ හේවායෝ උනේ උඩරට පිරිස් නොවෙයි. පෘතුගීසි , ලන්දේසි ඉංග්‍රීසී හමුදා පහසුවෙන් ලංකාවේ වෙනත් ප්‍රදේශ අල්ල ගත්තා එහි හිටපු ස්වදේශිකයන් ගේත් උපකාරයෙන්. නමුත් උඩරට ආක්‍රමණයට ගිය පෘතුගීසි , ලන්දේසි  ඉංග්‍රීසී හමුදා උඩරට පිරිස්  සමූලඝාතනය කලා. ඒ කාලේ ලෝකේ සුපර් පවර්ස් වලටත් උඩරට ආක්‍රමණය කරන්න බෑ. නමුත් 1815 වන විට රටේ පහත කොටස් යටත් වෙලා / පාවා දීලා. සමහරු තමන් ගේ ආගමත් පාවා දීලා ආක්‍රමණිකයන් ගේ ආගමුත් වැලඳ ගෙන​. මේ නිසා උඩරට හමුදා වලට තව දුරටත් සටන් කරන්න අමාරුයි. ශ්‍රී වික්‍රම රාජසිංහත් පිස්සු කෙලිනවා. නිලමේ වරු රජු එක්ක තරහයි. මේ හේතු නිසා ඇහැලෙපොල ප්ලෑනක් ගහනවා ඉංග්‍රීසින් ගේ මාර්ගයෙන් වඩිග රජු එලවලා, ඉන් පසු ඉංග්‍රීසින්ට පහර දීලා තමන් රජු වෙන්න (හරියට මාවෝ  Chiang Kai-shek එක්ක එකතු වෙලා ජපන් හමුදා වලට ගහලා පසුව Chiang Kai-shek ට ගේම දුන්නා වගේ) . 1815 රට ගිවිසුමකින් දීලා 1817- 18 කැරැල්ල ගැහුවේ ඒකට. නමුත් කැරැල්ල පැරදුනා. කැරැල්ල යට හිටපු ඇහැලෙපොල පිටුවහල් උනා. උඩරට සුද්දා අල්ල ගත්තේ යුද්දයකින්  නොවෙයි. ගිවිසුමකින්. හරියට නවසීලන්තය Māori ජාතිකයන් ගෙන් අල්ල ගත්තෙත් මේ වගේ ගිවිසුමකින්. මොකද සුද්දා දැන ගත්තා උඩරට ජනතාව කවදාවත් යුද්දයකින් පරාජය කරන්න බැරි බව. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

ආණ්ඩුව වෛද්‍යවරුන් ගේ ශ්‍රමය හූරා කනවාද ?


මම ලංකාවේ 1994 සිට 2009 දක්වා වෛද්‍යවරයෙකු ලෙස සේවය කලා. මට දැන් හිතෙන්නේ ආණ්ඩුව අපේ ශ්‍රමය හූරාකාගෙන අපිට කිසිම පහසුකමක් නොදී අපෙන් උපරිමය ගත්තා කියලා. 1994-95 ඉන්ටන්ශිප් පීරියඩ් එකේ මාතලේ මූලික රෝහලේ පුරා වසරක් පැය 24 ම ඔන් කෝල් නිවාඩු තිබ්බේ දවස් 7 වගේ. ඉන්පසු මම ගියා ග්‍රාමීය රෝහලක ස්ථාන භාර වෛද්‍යවරයා ලෙස, නිල නිවාසයක් නෑ. අතින් කුලී ගෙවාගෙන නිවසක හිටියේ. තිබ්බේ අවම පහසුකම්. ඉන් පසු මිනිපේ MOH ලෙස වැඩ කෙරුවා. මුළු මිනිපේ ඒරියා එකේ වැඩ කලා. ප්‍රවාහන ගාස්තු , බටා මොකුත් නෑ. ඉන් පසු SHO Gyn and Obs ලෙස මීගමුව රෝහලේ  වසර ගනනක් වැඩ කලා සතියට එක දවසයි නිවාඩු. දවස් 6 ඔන් ඔන් කෝල් දිවා රාත්‍රී වැඩ. සීසර් 723 කලා එක  මාතෘ මරණයක්වත් නැතිව. නිල නිවස පොඩි කාමරයක්, වැස්සට තෙමනවා. ඉන් පසු නිර්වින්දන වෛද්‍යවරයෙක් ලෙස  රාගම රෝහලේ /  හලාවත රෝහලේ සේවය කලා. රාත්‍රී 7-8 වෙනකම් සර්ජිකල් ලිස්ට් ඇද්දා. පස්සේ යුද හමුදාවේ වසර 5 ආසන්න කාලයක් වැඩ කලා සතයක් වත් ඕටී ක්ලේම් කලේ නෑ. පලාලි ගියා, හදිසියේ මිසයිල් එකක් හෝ ගුවන් අණතුරක් වෙලා මලා නම් කිසිම වන්දියක් නෑ. පසුව පුත්තලම් දිස්ත්‍රික් මානසික සෞඛ්‍ය නිලධාරී ලෙස සේවය කලා දිස්ත්‍රික්කය පුරා ගියා බටා මොකුත් නෑ. පුද්ගලික අංශයේ  / බැංකු වල ජූනියර් එක්සෙකටිව් ලාගේ නිල කාමර බලන්න. තරු 5 හෝටල් කාමර වගේ. අපිට තිබ්බේ ගරා වැටිච්ච නිල නිවාස / නිල කාමර , අබලන් වැසිකිලි. ඉන්ටන් කාලේ නිල කාමරය තෙමන නිසා POP අලවගෙන හිටියේ. 

 ආණ්ඩුව වෛද්‍යවරුන් ගේ ශ්‍රමය හූරා කන්නේ නැද්ද ?

( පහත තියෙන්නේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා වෛද්‍ය සභාවේ එකල සභාපති මහාචාර්‍ය හරේන්ද්‍ර සිල්වා මහතා මට දුන්නු සේවා සහතිකය )  

Monday, March 3, 2025

ගුනේ අයියා ගැන මතකය

ගුනේ අයියා අපිව දාලා ගිහිල්ලා කාලයක් ගත වුනත් තාම ගුනේ අයියා අපි ලඟ ඉන්නවා වගේ දැනෙනවා ඒ කාලේ ගුනේ අයියා එක්ක කරපු කේස් මතක් උනාම​. 

මට ගුනේ අයියා මුලින්ම හමු වෙන්නෙ 2000 මැද වගේ කාලෙක, මම හලාවත රෝහලට නිර්වින්දන වෛද්‍යවරයෙක් ලෙස ආවම. අනෙක් වෛද්‍යවරු පීපී කරන කොට මම ඇනස්තීසියා ශිෆ්ට් එක ඉවර කරලා ගුනේ අයියා සහ ගුනේ අයියා ගේ මිත්‍රයන් සමග හලාවත කරක් ගැහුවා. එමගින් විශාල සමාජ දැණුමක් මට ලැබුණා. 

ගුනේ අයියා කියන්නේ ආතල් එකෙත් සුපිරි එක , ලඟ ඉන්න කොට සිනහවෙන් විනෝදයෙන් ඉන්න පුලුවන්. ඒ කේස් සිය ගනනක් තියනවා. සමහර ඒවා මතකත් නෑ. මතක් වෙන විට තනියම හිනා යනවා. 

මට මතකයි වරක් මමයි ගුනේ අයියායි , වෛද්‍ය ප්‍රියාන් සෙනෙවිරත්නයි රෑ දොලහට විතර හලාවත රෝහල අසල තිබෙන කැරකෝප්පුවේ සොහොන් ගල් උඩ වාඩි වෙලා කතා කර කර හිටපු හැටි. ඒ වගේම වරක් මමයි ගුනේ අයියායි හලාවත වැල්ලට ගිහින්  ගුනේ අයියා ගේ කැබ් එක නවත්වලා බීච් එකේ පොල් ගසක් අසල කතා කර කර ඉන්නවා. වැල්ලේ ගෑණු දෙතුන් දෙනෙක් අපි දිහා බල බල එහා මෙහා යනවා. මටත් ගුනේ අයියාටත් මේක ප්‍රෙහේලිකාවක්.  මෙහෙම විනාඩි 20 විතර යනකම් වැල්ලේ ගෑණු අපි දිහා බල බල එහා මෙහා යනවා. ටික වෙලාවකින් එක ගෑණියෙක් ඇවිදින් අපි දෙන්නා හිටපු තැන වැල්ල හාරලා බෝතලයක් අරගෙන ගියා. බලන කොට අපි දෙන්නා හිටගෙන ඉඳලා තියෙන්නේ උන් ගේ කසිප්පු ගබඩාවක් උඩ.

තවත් සැරයක් අපි නාන්න දැදුරු ඔයට ගියා. අපිත් එක්ක තව යාලුවෙක් ආවා. අපි නාලා තියෙන්නේ ඊට ටික කාලයකට පෙර ගිලිලා මැරුනු ෆාදර් සුනන්ද බිළි ගත්ත ස්පොට් එකේ. ඒත් අපිට ඒකේ වගක් තිබ්බේ නෑ. අපි හොඳට වතුරේ බැහැලා දැදුරු ඔයා නෑවා.

එක සැරයක් මම , ගුනේ අයීයා , ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියාන් , ගුනේ අයියා ගේ යාලුවෙක් සෙට් කරපු කළපුව අසල බාබිකිව් එකකට ගියා. මාළු ඒ වෙලාවේ අල්ලලා බාබිකිව් කරනවා. තඩි කකුළුවෙකුත් ඔවුන් ඇල්ලුවා. ඒත් කකුළුවා බූමිතෙල් රහයි. කළපුවේ බෝට්ස් යන නිසා. 

තවත් සැරයක්  මම , ගුනේ අයීයායි , ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියානුයි වෙන වැල්ලේ බාබිකිව් එකකට සෙට් උනා. එක ඇහින්දාස් එකෙක් බලෙන් සෙට් වෙලා ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියාන් ගෙනාපු විස්කි බෝතලෙන් පින් අඩි දෙක තුනක් ගහලා ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියාන් එක්ක පැටලෙන්න ගියා. මමයි ගුනේ අයීයායි ශේප් එකේ ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියාන්ව පැත්තකට ගත්තා. එතකොට ඇහින්ඳාස් එකා අපිට මාළු අල්ලලා දෙන මාළු කාරයාට පහරක් ගැහුවා. විනාඩි දෙකක් ගියේ නෑ අසල මාළු පැල්පත් වලින් හත් අට දෙනෙක් පොළු අරගෙන දුවගෙන ආවා. ඇහින්දාස් එකාට සුපිරි විදියට නෙළුවා. අපි තුන් දෙනා මේ ලයිව් ටෙලිකාස්ට් එක බැළුවා ආතල් එකේ.

තවත් සැරයක් අපි පොල් වත්තකට ගියා. ඉර ගිනියම් වෙලා ,රස්නෙයි. ගුනේ අයියා දන්න කෙනෙක් ගේ පැලට ගියා. මේක මැටි ගහලා වහල පොල් අතු ගෙයක්. ඒසී පරාදයි ඇතුලේ තිබ්බ සිසිල​. අපි බොහෝ වේලාවක් මේ මැටි ගෙදර කතා කර කර හිටියා. ගුනේ අයියා පරණ රස කතා කියනවා. එතන අපි තුන් දෙනෙක් විතර හිටියා. මේ කතා සමහරක් මම මගේ " වෛද්‍ය වරයෙකුගේ සිහි සටහන් කියන පොතෙත් ලියලා තියනවා.

මට තියටර් එකේ නයිට් ශිෆ්ට් එක සෙට් වෙන කොට ප්‍රියාන් ඕපීඩී එකේ නයිට් ශිෆ්ට් එක කරනවා. රාත්‍රී 11 පස්සේ රෝහල සන්සුන් . අපි සෙල් ෆෝන් ඔන් කරගෙන ගුනේ අයියා එක්ක නයිට් කඩ වලට ගිහින් ආප්ප කාලා කෝපි බොනවා. 2001 සිංහල අළුත් අවුරුද්දට මම ඩියුටි හිටියේ. රෝහලේ කිසිම ඔපරේශන් එකක් නෑ. ප්‍රියානුත් හිටියා. අපි අළුත් අවුරුද්දට වැඩ ඇල්ලුවේ ගුනේ අයියාගේ යාළුවෙක් ගේ ගෙදර​. ගුනේ අයියාගේ කතා අහගෙන සවස 7-8  විතර වෙනකම් හිටියා.

ගුනේ අයියාට හැම තරාතිරමක යාළුවෝ හිටියා. මාළු කාර සෙට් වගේම හලාවත බිස්නස් කාරයෝ , දේශපාලකයෝ , මේ ඔක්කොම ගුනේ අයියා එක්ක හිතවත්. ගුනේ අයියා ගේ යාළුවෙක් හිටියා කොලඹ හලාවත ඒසී බස් එකක රියැදුරෙක් තිස්ස කියලා. කාර් එකෙන් නොඑන දවස් වල මම කොලඹ හලාවත ඒසී බස් එක ගන්නවා. තිස්ස හිටියොත් මාව රියැදුරු ආසනේ එහා පැත්තට ගන්නවා. තවත් සැරයක් ගුනේ අයියා අපිට සෙට් කලා මුහුදු ගමනක් හඳුනන ධීවරයෙකුට කියලා. අපෙන් සල්ලි ගත්තෙත් නෑ ගුනේ අයියා ගේ යාළුවෝ කියලා. ඒත් අපි බලෙන් වගේ සල්ලි දුන්නා.

මම ගුනේ අයියාගේ ගම වන මුගුණුවටවන මහ ගෙදරටත් ගියා. ඒ කාලේ ගුනේ අයියාගේ අම්මත් හිටියා. පොඩි කැස්ස ගතියක් ගතියක් , මම බේත් වගයක් ලියලා දුන්නා.  ගුනේ අයියාගේ මහ ගෙදර ඉස්සරහා රුවිතෙට ගිය පොල් ගහක් තියනවා. ගුනේ අයියා කිව්වා මම දණ ගාන කාලේ ඔය හරස් විදියට ගිය පොල් ගහ  යටින් යනවා කියලා. 

අබේවර්ධන බාලසූරිය ගුනේ අයියාගේ ලඟම නෑයෙක්. එක සැරයක් අබේවර්ධන බාලසූරියව මට හමු උනා කොලඹ හවුස් ඔෆ් ෆැෂන් එකේ. මම කෙලින්ම ගිහින් කිව්වා මම මුගුණුවටවන ගුණතුංග ගේ යාළුවෙක් කියලා. අබේවර්ධන බාලසූරිය මාත් එක්ක ඉතා මිත්‍රශීලීව කතා කලා. 

ඒ කාලේ ගුනේ අයියා කරපු කේස් කියන කොට හිනා කාලා මැරෙනවා. රෑ 9.30 ෆිල්ම් එක හලාවත හෝල් එකක බලලා පයින්ම සමහර විට මුගුණුවටවනට කොල්ලෝ සෙට් එකත් එක්ක එනකොට මඟ දිගට කරපු වැඩ කියනවා. මොරීන් කියලා කෙල්ලෙක් ගේ ගෙදර දොරට ගහලා හිමීන් " මොරීන් " කියලා කිව්වම මොරීන් ගේ ආච්චි " ඔය කවුදෑ" කියලා අහන හැටි ඇක්ට් කරලා පෙන්නනවා. ඒ වගේම ගමේ මුදලාලිගේ ගෙදර දොරට ගහලා " ගින්නෝ " කියලා දුවනවලු. ඒ වගේම 88/89 භීෂණ ජීවිතය පර දුවට තියලා කරපු දේශපාලන වැඩත් කියනවා.

එක සැරයක් රක්‍ෂණ සංස්ථාවේ මැනේජර් කෙනෙක් වැල්ලට ඇවිල්ලා ධීවරයන්ට රක්‍ෂණ ආවරණ විකුනලා.  ඉන් පසුව එක  ධීවරයෙක් බෝට්ටුව තල්ලු කරන කොට ඇඟිල්ල තුවාල වෙලා. පාසේ පොර රක්‍ෂණ සංස්ථාවේ මැනේජර් හමු වෙන්න ගිහි සල්ලි ඉල්ලලා. මැනේජර් දන්න සිංහලෙන් කියලා මේක ජීවිත ආවරණයක්, ඔය වගේ තුවාල වලට සල්ලි දෙන්නේ නෑ කියලා. මේකට මාළු බුවාට තද වෙලා කාර්‍යාලයෙන් පිට වෙලා ගියාලු. එදා හවස ගුනේ අයියා වැල්ල පැත්තේ යන කොට මූ කඩුවක් තියාගෙන ලයිට් කණුවකට මුවා වෙලා ඉන්නවලු රක්‍ෂණ සංස්ථාවේ මැනේජර්ට කොටන්න. ගුනේ අයියා මොකක් ද කේස් එක කියලා ඇහුවම මෑන් කිව්වලු " බලන්ඩ ගුනේ මහත්තයා මූ  ඇඟ ආරක්සා කරනව කියලා අපෙන් සල්ලි ගත්තා. මගේ අතේ තුවාලෙට සල්ලි ගෙව්වේ නෑ මම අද ඕකව බාවනවා" කියලා. පස්සේ ගුනේ අයියා මාළුකාරයාට ජීවිත රක්‍ෂණය ගැන සරලව උගේ බාසවෙන් කියලා දීලා මඩර් එකක් වැලැක්කුවා. 

මමයි ඩොක්ට ප්‍රියානුයි පසුව යුද හමුදාවේ සක්‍රිය සේවයට යනවා. ඉන් පසු අපිට ගුනේ අයියා මිස් වෙනවා. ඒත් වරින් වර දුරකථනයෙන් අපි කතා කලා. ඒ වගේම 2006 විතර මම වවුනියාව පැත්තේ කෑම්ප් එකකට යන කොට ගියේ හලාවත හරහා. ඒ ගමන ගුනේ අයියා බලන්නත් ගියා. ඒත් එදා ගුනේ අයියා ගෙදර හිටියේ නෑ.

මම විදේශගත උනාම ගුනේ අයියා මට යලිත් වරක් මිස් උනා. ඒත් 2023 මම ලංකාවට ආවම ගුනේ අයියා මට මොරටුව පැත්තේ හෝටලයක ඩිනර් එකක් දුන්නා. යලිත් අපේ අතීත සැමරුම් මතකයට ආවා. ඒත් ඒ වෙන කොට ගුනේ අයියා අසනීප තත්වයේ බව පෙනුනා. වර්ධනය වූ පිලිකාවක් නිසා ඉන් යම් කාලයකට පස්සේ ගුනේ අයියා අපෙන් වෙන් වෙලා ගියා.

ගුනේ අයියා ගියත් ගුනේ අයියාගේ පුතා විමුක්ති ඉන්ජිනේරුවෙක්. ඩිමෝ ආයතනයේ ලොකු තනතුරක් දරනවා. විමුක්ති ඩිමෝ එකේ Psychology දේශනයක් කරන්නත් මට පහසුකම් සැලසුවා. ගුනේ අයියා ගියත් විමුක්ති දිහා බලලා අපි හිත හදා ගන්නවා. ඒ වගේම ගුනේ අයියා එක්ක කරපු , කියපු දේවල් , ගුනේ අයියාගේ අතීත රස කතා මතක් වෙන වාරයක් පාසා ගුනේ අයියා මාත් එක්ක ඉන්නවා වගේ දැනෙනවා. 

ගුනේ අයියා පිලිබඳ Definition  මොකක් ද කියලා කෙනෙක් ඇහුවොත් මම කියන්නේ මේක​: සමාජයේ ඉහල සිට පහල දක්වා මිනිසුන්  සමග හිතවත් කමින් සතුටින් , සිනහවෙන්  ජීවත් වූ , ක්‍රෝධය , තරහව , ඉරිසියාව , බෙලි කැපිල්ල හොර බොරු වංචා   යන අගතීන් මොනවද කියා වත් නොදත් සරළ සුන්දර දුර්ලභ මනුෂ්‍යයෙක්.  

මම ලියපු වෛද්‍ය වරයෙකුගේ සිහි සටහන් කියන පොතේ පිටු ගනනාවක ගුනේ අයියා ගැන ලියලා තියනවා. එමගින් මට හැකි උනා ගුනේ අයියා චරිතය අමරණීය කරන්න.

වෛද්‍ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Richard de Zoysa ; Gone but Never Forgotten

I first saw Richard de Zoysa in 1985 at the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. He was a handsome and very attractive young man. Once when I was at the reception, he came and spoke to the SLBC receptionist, Deepthi and handed over a voucher for a program that he did the other day. The other receptionists ( I have forgotten their names) were looking at him, but he was unresponsive. Although he hardly spoke with others, I don't think he was a prideful person. I think he was an introvert. On several occasions I had seen him speaking freely with Ravi John, Rajan Vairawanathan and Aurn Dias Bandaranayake. For us, Richard was unreachable. Therefore, I frequently moved with Neranjan Abesundara , Channa Perera and Yusuf Noordeen.     

I had the habit of going to the SLBC LP record room and requesting records from Gunasekara, who was a sort of librarian. While checking LPs, I used to play songs there. I remember once I played Deep Purple's song "Speed King" loudly and blasted the record room. While I was listening to the song at full volume, Richard came to me and looked into my eyes, and without saying anything, he left the record room. At that moment I realized that I disturbed him. Indeed, Richard was listening to Tchaikovsky's opera, and I ruined his peace of mind. He was a refined man and did not say anything to his distractor. However, his action was a symbol of protest. Later, Leon Bellath came to know that I was playing hard rock music, disturbing others. He asked me, "Do you really enjoy this type of music? I said yes. 

Richard loved classical music. Even he used to whistle classical tunes. I still recall how he read a page from Rudyard Kipling's book. It was a heavenly voice. He was a multi-talented person. A gifted individual. I would say Jimmy Bharucha and Richard de Zoysa were the best broadcasters of our time. Sadly, he was taken from us unexpectedly and savagely. 

Who killed him? Who gave the order? How could they torture and kill such an innocent, accomplished, gentle person? By killing Richard, they killed a whole generation of talented youth with inspirations and expectations.

If the killers knew his talents, they would think twice about eliminating a person like Richard de Zoysa. 

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

අළුත්කඩේ ඝාතකයාට ආශක්ත වීම

කාන්තා පාර්ශවයේ බොහෝ දෙනෙක් අළුත්කඩේ ඝාතකයාට ආශක්ත වෙලා එයා ගැන කවි නිසැඳස් ලියනවා. මිනීමරුවාට කොන්දේසි විරහිතව ආදරය කරනවා. මේකට මනෝ විද්යාත්මක හේතුවක් තියනවා. මේ තත්වයට කියන්නේ Hybristophilia (Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome ) කියලා. මේ තත්වය බෞද්ධ ජාතක කතාවකත් සඳහන් වෙනවා. මා විසින් බෞද්ධ හා පාලි විශ්ව විද්යාලයේ සිදු කල දේශනයකදී මේ තත්වය ගැන සඳහන් කලා. 45.15 කොටසේදී.

Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome (Hybristophilia) Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome, or Hybristophilia is a paraphilia of the predatory type in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime, such as rape or murder.
The Buddhist literature reveals a rich girl named Kundala Keshi who was sternly attracted to a criminal when she accidentally saw him through her window. The King’s men were taking him to the burial ground to decapitate. His well-built physique with a rough vagabond look vigorously attracted her. She immediately fell in love with the criminal. She urged her wealthy father to rescue the outlaw from the King’s men. The affluent father bribed the king’s men and released the criminal. He was secretly brought to Kundala Keshi's house, and they became husband and wife.

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. PhD
Clinical Psychologist

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Psychological Effects of Torture ; Presentation


The Psychological Effects of Torture


Torture and its Psychological/Sociological and Political Implications

Discussion by

Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D., Ph.D.

(This program was conducted under the guidance of Stanford University.)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Importance of Metabolic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice


Dr. Sarath Panduwawala and Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge

Metabolic psychiatry is a new field in psychiatry, and it examines mental health issues associated with metabolic dysfunction. Current evidence indicates an association between metabolic dysfunction in the brain and mental illness (Smith, 2024).

Metabolic syndrome also has a huge impact on mental health. The metabolic syndrome, which is connected with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, and low serum high-density lipoprotein, has an impact on mental health parameters. Although metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, it can cause psychiatric morbidity (Bolton et al., 2013).

Clinical evidence indicates that psychiatric conditions have increased risk for metabolic syndrome (Penninx & Lange, 2018). According to Ho and colleagues (2014), the cause of metabolic syndrome in psychiatric patients is likely to be multifactorial, and psychotropic drugs such as second-generation antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are established risk factors. Antipsychotic-induced weight gain is an existing problem in treating psychiatric patients. Mood stabilizers, particularly lithium and sodium valproate, have been associated with metabolic syndrome (Chang et al., 2009). 

Takeuchi and team (2009) state that metabolic syndrome is associated with increased prevalence of depressive disorder and depressive symptoms, and prevalence ranges from 36 to 50%. Tricyclic antidepressants can cause insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia, and patients can experience substantial weight gain (Chokka, Tancer & Yeragani, 2006).

The patients with bipolar disorder have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome than the general population (Chi et al., 2013). As described by Kim and team (2007), dysregulation of the HPA axis with subsequent glucocorticoid resistance, impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, dysregulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production across both phases of bipolar disorder could cause significant negative effects on metabolism. 

Schizophrenia is associated with a greater risk of diabetes mellitus (de Hert et al 2009). Metabolic syndrome is common among people with schizophrenia, and the prevalence is around 5 times higher than that in the general population (Ho et al., 2014).

Yaffe and team (2004) elucidate that metabolic syndrome is associated with cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular dementia, and the effects could be due to neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, impaired glucose metabolism, and impairment of vascular reactivity. Therefore, identifying and treating metabolic dysfunction in psychiatric patients are essential. Promoting healthy lifestyle practices, diet modification, moderate exercise, and weight management are crucial.

Metabolic Psychiatry discusses the ways to evade the risk of premature mortality in psychiatric patients. The metabolic approach to mental health treatment is imperative. According to Greenblatt (2023), metabolic psychiatry focuses on the removal of processed foods and refined carbohydrates, often implementing a ketogenic diet for the metabolic benefits. The brain chemistry can be changed with optimal nutrition. 


(Dr. Sarath Panduwawala is a retired Consultant Psychiatrist who served as a visiting psychiatrist of the Sri Lanka Army.  Dr. Ruwan M Jayatunge is a medical doctor and a Psychologist also a member of the (APA) American Psychological Association)





Bolton PS, Knight M, Kopeski LM. Metabolic Syndrome: Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurses’ Knowledge of Risks and Care Practices. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 2016;54(11):44-53. doi:10.3928/02793695-20161026-01.

ChangHHChouCHChenPS et al (2009High prevalence of metabolic disturbances in patients with bipolar disorder in TaiwanJournal of Affective Disorders117: 124–9.

ChiMHChanghHTzengNS et al (2013The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in drug-naïve bipolar II disorder patients before and after twelve week pharmacological interventionJournal of Affective Disorders1467983

Chokka, PTancer, MYeragani, VK (2006Metabolic syndrome: relevance to antidepressant treatmentJournal of Psychiatry Neuroscience31414.

 de Hert, M, Dekker, JM, Wood, D et al (2009) Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in people with severe mental illnesses: position statement from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), supported by the European Association for the study of Diabetes (EASD) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European Psychiatry, 24: 412–24

Greenblatt,J. (2023). What Is Metabolic Psychiatry? Retrieved from ;

Ho CSH, Zhang MWB, Mak A, Ho RCM. Metabolic syndrome in psychiatry: advances in understanding and management. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. 2014;20(2):101-112. doi:10.1192/apt.bp.113.011619.

KimYKJungHGMyintAM et al (2007Imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in bipolar disorderJournal of Affective Disorders104: 91–5.

Penninx, B. W. J. H., & Lange, S. M. M. (2018). Metabolic syndrome in psychiatric patients: overview, mechanisms, and implications. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 20(1), 63–73.

Smith, D. (2024).Metabolic Psychiatry – A new paradigm in the management of Mental Health disorder? Retrieved from

Takeuchi, T, Nakao, M, Nomura, K et al (2009) Association of the metabolic syndrome with depression and anxiety in Japanese men: a 1-year cohort study. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 25: 762–7.

YaffeKKanayaALindquistK et al (2004The metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and risk of cognitive declineJAMA292: 2237–

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Analyzing the Prabhakaran Factor


Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. PhD

Civilized society is perpetually menaced with disintegration through this primary hostility of men towards one another. Sigmund Freud.

Velupillai Prabhakaran (1954–2009) was the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, and he launched a destructive proxy war against the Sri Lankan government for over nearly three decades. Prabhakaran was the most lethal and cataclysmic force experienced by the Sri Lankan state in recent history. For many years, he was able to continue his ferocious attacks against the people and the state of Sri Lanka. Following these aggressions, over 100,000 lives were lost, and millions of dollars’ worth of property were destroyed.

Prabhakaran permanently changed the Sri Lankan political landscape and created a collective trauma among people. He became the public enemy number one in the South. Furthermore, he turned the rich Tamil values that are flourished with the doctrine of Hinduism and the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi into a totalitarian cyanide culture. Although Prabhakaran was considered a megalomaniac or a mass murderer in the South among his followers, they used to worship him as a demigod. They hailed him as a hero, a messiah, or a deliverer. Some compared him to the ancient Tamil warrior Sagkillian, who fought against the Portuguese. According to them, Prabhakaran was the person who brought respect and identity to the Tamil people. He had been recognized de facto as the sole representative of the Sri Lankan Tamils, despite the fact that he had eliminated thousands of Tamils, including intellectuals like Dr. Rajini Theranagama, Dr. Nelan Theruchelvam, Mr. Lakshman Kadirgamar, PC, etc. Some of his blind followers still believe that Prabhakaran is alive and is secretly living in Eritrea.  

Prabhakaran committed high-profile killings. He was directly involved in the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India. Also, under his orders, Ranasinghe Premadasa, the 3rd President of Sri Lanka, was killed. Moreover, he violated local and international laws, killing statesmen, ministers, and civilians. Also, he was accused by the United Nations of nonstop child conscription. His involvement in human rights abuses was seriously questioned by the West. However, his alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity were not taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Upon his death in 2009, he got away with war crime charges. 

Although Prabhakaran was a destructive force, he had military capabilities and organizational skills and knew how to motivate people and convert them into diehard fighters and suicide bombers. His leadership qualities were exceptional. His cadres feared and respected him. He was a tactician and had remarkable skills in the military operations. He launched a number of attacks against the Sri Lankan forces, sometimes overrunning military camps. Furthermore, he was a lethal force that kept fighting for nearly three decades. Even the Indian Army, which is the second largest in the world after China and has over 1.4 million active troops, could not defeat him. One time, he was invincible. 

His war machine faced a number of experienced military commanders. Was he a military genius or a skilled tactician? Some say he followed the war tactics of the great Vietnam General Vo Nguyen Giap, who launched massive attacks against the American forces. 

How could such an uneducated common man make such a huge accomplishment? Indeed, he was a destructive force. But his talents cannot be underestimated. We ought to understand how Prabhakaran was able to create an immense killing machine. Maybe the secret lies within his personality. 

In his book "Inside an Elusive Mind, Prabhakaran M.R. Narayan Swamy describes him as the world's most ruthless guerrilla leader. Moreover, M.R. Narayan Swamy highlights some of Prabhakaran's personality traits. According to M.R. Narayan Swamy, these personalities and psychological features transformed Prabhakaran into a remorseless, unsympathetic, and vindictive person. However, in my opinion, M.R. Narayan Swamy had not gone deep enough inside Prabhakaran’s inner psyche to analyze his behavior and personality traits. 

Indeed, (according to his assumptions), Prabhakaran had valid reasons to start his vicious military campaigns against the Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan government. As a child, he observed Sinhala nationalism and ethnic riots against innocent Tamil civilians. These events created a blazing hatred for the Sinhalese nation. 

Once, when I delivered a lecture on war trauma in Sri Lanka at Washburn University in Kansas, USA, in 2006, one of the professors asked me a direct question. He asked me whether the Prabhakaran factor was created by Sinhala-Buddhist Chauvinism. According to Professor Daya Somasundaram of the University of Jaffna, Tamil militancy was a creation of the Sri Lankan State and armed forces (Page 56: Scarred Minds by Daya Somasundaram). Perhaps these statements do not validate the rising of the Prabhakaran factor. There were other certain personality traits that made the former LTTE leader a ruthless killing machine. His remorseless, die-hard personality made him one of the most callous paramilitary leaders in recent history. 

Undeniably, specific personality factors contributed to Prabhakaran's character and his destructive nature. Along with Prabhakaran, other Tamil militants like Sri Sabarathnam (Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) leader) and Uma Maheswaran (People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) leader) launched attacks against the Sri Lankan security forces. 

The other two leaders were more moderate, and they had no strong prejudice or racial hatred towards Sinhalese people. They were more educated than Prabhakaran. The PLOTE leader, Uma Maheswaran, had Marxist ideas, and he was willing to collaborate with the Sinhalese people who respected the right of nations to self-determination. But Prabhakaran was an uncompromising nationalist. He condemned Uma Maheswaran and Sri Sabarathnam and later killed them. 

Prabhakaran was unschooled and a dropout. His school education was limited to year 10. Some of Prabhakaran's contemporaries indicate that he had a dislike and resentment towards educated people. He had feelings of inadequacy and inferiority when he dealt with educated people. He refuted a number of Tamil intellectuals and even went to the extent of physically eliminating them. Prabhakaran disrupted the school education of thousands of children and sometimes forcibly conscripted them to his baby brigade. 

Dr. Gustavo Gilbert, a renowned American psychologist, analyzed some of the Nazi leaders, like Hermann Göring and the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, during the Nuremberg trial. Dr. Gilbert found an explicit factor that was specific to the Nazis. He identified that the Nazis had a low level of empathy. Also, they had some kind of dual nature. In their private lives, they loved their wives and kids, but when the savage side came into action, they could kill tens of thousands of women and children in gas chambers. There are marked personality traits that were characteristic of Prabhakaran. 

At school, Prabhakaran was mediocre. He was struggling and falling behind in school. He continuously had learning difficulties. Furthermore, he displayed cruelty toward animals, especially cats, squirrels, and birds. Also, he practiced unusual pain-inducing rituals like pricking himself with needles and sleeping in gunny bags with chili powder. These show sadistic and masochistic instincts, which he displayed during the adolescent period.

As a child, Prabhakaran had an inclination towards violence. He hardly obeyed the social rules. Sometimes he used to steal chemicals from the school laboratory to make primitive bombs. On several occasions, he ran away from home and stayed with his relatives. At the age of 16, he set fire to a bus that belonged to the Ceylon Transport Board. At a certain point, young Prabhakaran was uncontrollable to his parents. His adolescent spitefulness and vindictiveness later turned into mass social aggression. 

It is possible to believe that young Prabhakaran suffered from conduct disorder. As described by Fairchild and colleagues (2019), conduct disorder (CD) is a common and highly impairing psychiatric disorder that usually emerges in childhood or adolescence and is characterized by severe antisocial and aggressive behavior. Conduct disorder usually emerges in childhood or adolescence and lies on a spectrum of disruptive behavioral disorders. Conduct disorder demonstrates aggression and violations of the rights of others and evolves over time.  Often, they have repetitive and persistent antisocial behaviors. 

However, there was another side to Prabhakaran. He was a loving father and a cordial person to his personal friends. Anita Pratap, who is an Indian writer and journalist, met Prabhakaran in person and describes him as a charismatic and charming person. In 2003, I interviewed Karate Grand Master Shihan Bonnie Roberts, who met Prabhakaran in Vanni. Mr. Bonnie Roberts stated that Prabhakaran was a friendly and warm person. Nevertheless, his warmth never extended to Sinhalese people.

During his childhood, Prabhakaran frequently heard horrendous stories about the Sinhalese people and their atrocities committed against Tamil people. During the 1958 communal riots, Prabhakaran was a four-year-old child. He heard many stories that revealed brutalities unleashed by Sinhalese people against the Tamil people. During that era, such stories were often fabricated and exaggerated by both parties in order to arouse national feelings. As a child, Prabhakaran often heard these stories, and naturally he developed an animosity against the Sinhalese people. 

Young Prabhakaran had a private tutor, and he was an ultranationalist. This tutor became one of the most influential men of his life, and he injected racial venom into young Prabhakaran. Prabhakar grasped many ideas and racial prejudices from this tutor. 

Another unconfirmed story (told to me by Capt. Amith of the Military Intelligence Corps - Sri Lanka) describes how seven-year-old Prabhakaran witnessed one of his uncles being savagely beaten by a police constable in Jaffna. I think this story has some credibility. During the fifties and sixties, even in the seventies, many policemen who went to serve in Jaffna went with wrath and discontentment. Many police officers were sent to the North following disciplinary issues. Those who went to Jaffna following punishment transfers. These people suffered from severe work-related stress. Their anger and frustration were often focused on the civilians living in the Northern peninsula. Unlike in the South, the police brutality was interpreted in racial terms. 

His birthplace, VVT, or Valvettithurai, was famous for illicit smuggling. This village was often raided by the Sri Lanka Police and the Navy. The first Sinhalese people Prabhakaran saw were these law enforcement officers. Little Prabhakaran became emotionally shattered when he heard about the killing of a poosari in Panadura during the 1958 anti-Tamil riots. This event was described in Malith Jayathilaka's book titled Alimankada as well. The poosari was savagely beaten and burnt alive by the mob.

In his childhood image, the Sinhalese people were brutal, disrespectful to the Tamil people and their culture, and violent by nature. He believed that the majority Sinhalese were constantly tormenting the Tamil people. He wanted to take revenge someday, and he was determined. He wanted to create a brutal, violent force to fight against the Sinhalese.

Certainly, there were a number of atrocities committed against the Tamil people by some Sinhalese factions. Most of them were politically motivated. These atrocities were not accepted by the peace-loving Sinhalese majority, and they condemn such attacks. Even during the 1983 communal riots, many Sinhalese families protected their Tamil neighbors from mob attacks. Professor Rajan Hoole describes the 1983 communal riots as well-planned, politically organized terror against Tamil civilians. According to him, it was not a racial attack due to the high emotions of the Sinhalese public. The burning of the Jaffna Public Library in 1981 was a form of cultural attack against the Tamil people. This malicious act was orchestrated by a group of politicians, and the blame went to the Sinhalese people. 

Prabhakaran was a victim of caste discrimination. social exclusion, stigmatization, and marginalization by the high-caste Tamils made him indignant. Prabhakaran belonged to the fishing (Karayer) caste. The caste system was very much authoritative in Jaffna, and the people of the Karayer caste could not freely move with the high-caste Vellalar Tamils. As a matter of fact, Prabhakaran and his family suffered caste oppression, and it created insecurity, low self-esteem, and an inferiority complex in him. Moreover, he had anger and resentment towards high-caste Vellalar Tamils. His attacks against Vellalar Tamils were less discussed. His first victim, Alfred Thangarajah Duraiappah, the mayor of Jaffna, was a well-respected high-caste Vellalar Tamil. He demanded respect from the Vellalar Tamils, and once he kidnapped a Vellalar girl. This girl, Mathivathani Erambu, later became his wife. Moreover, he arranged Vellalar brides for his lieutenants, such as S. P. Thamilselvan, who belonged to the Ambattan caste. The Ambattans are the Tamil barbers. (S. P. Thamilselvan was the leader of the political wing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam).

Prabhakaran became a fugitive in 1975 after killing the mayor of Jaffna. In 1976, he was charged with a bank robbery. Prabhakaran closely associated with many outlaws, like Sivakumar, Kuttumani, Sellakelli, etc. But he had his own uniqueness.

From 1972 to 1978, Police Officer Bastianpillai was behind Prabakaran. He was determined to arrest Prabhakaran and put him behind bars. But many times, he failed. The main reason for the failure was that Inspector Bastianpillai thought Prabhakaran was a conventional criminal. But he was more than a conventional criminal, even in his early years. He was different from other Tamil outlaws. The authorities were able to arrest his associates, but they could not track Prabhakaran.

Prabhakaran never had any constant, sincere friends. Over the years, he was close to Gopalaswamy Mahendraraja, aka Mahattaya, and Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan, alias “Karuna Ammaan.” Later, he disliked and suspected them, and both became his enemies. Prabhakaran killed Gopalaswamy Mahendraraja. However, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan was able to escape from Prabhakaran’s deadly claws.

For Prabhakaran, friendship had no meaning. He was manipulative and used people for his own gain. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and President Premadasa underestimated his manipulative nature. They thought he was genuine. But they made a fatal mistake. 

The former LTTE member Srikumar Selvarajah Kanagaratnam, aka Raheem, was with Prabhakaran from 1983 to 1990. According to Srikumar Selvarajah Kanagaratnam, Prabhakaran was a religious person but not a religious extremist, and he worshiped the Lord Muruga. Once Prabhakaran went to Palani Murugan Temple in Tamil Nadu to prove a pledge. Selvarajah Kanagaratnam further says that Prabhakaran was a teetotaler and never even drank tea or coffee. He was soft-spoken and never went into a rage throwing tantrums. Srikumar Selvarajah Kanagaratnam once saw Prabhakaran shedding tears while resolving an internal dispute. He was a sensitive person, says the former LTTE member who is now living in Canada.

 Prabhakaran admired Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Mao Zedong, and the freedom fighters of the Indian struggle, mainly Subhas Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh. However, Prabhakaran never had any specific political ideology or vision. The LTTE theoretician Anton Balasingham Stanislaus was a Marxist. But Prabhakaran had no deep knowledge of Marxism or Leninism. His religion and ideology were Tamil ultranationalism. 

Prabhakaran had a deep mortal fascination with torture, and he often used torture to eliminate his enemies. Pottu Amman (Shanmugalingam Sivashankar), LTTE's intelligence chief, was Prabhakaran’s personal instrument of terror. Pottu Amman’s role could be described as that of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, or Lavrentiy Beria of the NKVD. According to an eyewitness’s testimony, Prabhakaran had a torture house in Devipuram village, Kilinochchi, in Northern Sri Lanka. Whoever went to Devipuram Torture House endured unimaginable torture and was finally driven to death. Torture had become a method of political control for the LTTE.

Prabhakaran had an ultimate fantasy in his mind. He wanted to create a Great Chola Empire. (The Chola Tamil dynasty originated from southern India and at its peak achieved imperialism under the Medieval Cholas in the mid-9th century CE.). This may have looked absurd, but his inner mind was geared towards this fantasy. Mr. J. N. Dixit, former Indian High Commissioner, has also described this fantasy in his book “Assignment Colombo. Prabhakaran closely interacted with Hindu mythology. Unconsciously, he wished to be the Great Destroyer and the Great Creator. Prabhakaran’s inner fantasies had caused severe human trauma. As a result of three decades of armed conflict, many had lost their lives, and a large number are suffering from various physical and psychological ailments, especially PTSD.

The paradoxical feature of Prabhakaran’s character was fear of death. The Tamil poet Archives Kasi Ananthan stated that Prabhakaran had extreme fears of his death. (Inside an Illusive Mind Prabhakaran by Narayan Swami). He felt anxious about death from time to time. Following “death anxiety,” Prabhakaran took drastic measures to strengthen his security. Even the Indian Army could not reach him. However, he experienced negative emotional reactions in his mortality, which forced him to eliminate his opponents.

Some followers of Prabhakaran thought that he had some sort of divine guidance and some sort of divine power. This was a part of Cult Prabhakaran and the veneration by his supporters. The suggestibility was very high among his followers. They blindly contributed to his fantasy. His fantasy of Greater Eelam" encompasses Tamil Nadu and the other South Indian states (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala). It’s interesting to know that the dictators like Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, etc., had fantasies too. Pol Pot wanted to take Cambodia to the ancient Angkor Civilization via killing fields. Saddam Hussain believed that he was the reincarnation of King Nebukad Nazar. This nostalgia caused the deaths of tens of thousands. Similarly, Prabhakaran’s Great Chola fantasy caused a lot of deaths and chaos.

Prabhakaran created a cult of personality that glorified violence and death. He created the Black Tigers, who were motivated to kill and get killed. He used children as young as 10 to kill and inflict torture, becoming the world’s most ruthless terrorist leader. In the latter stages he was overconfident and thought that he was invincible. With such a pompous attitude, he closed Mavil Aru' sluice gates in July 2006, depriving over 15,000 farmers of water. It was the beginning of his downfall. The Prabhakaran saga ended in May 2009 in the Nanthikadal lagoon. According to General Kamal Gunarathna, Prabhakaran was killed by a senior NCO of the 4th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment. However, the former LTTE member Srikumar Selvarajah Kanagaratnam (Raheem) believes that in the final moment, when he realized that there was no escape, Prabhakaran shot himself.



1.     Interview with the Late Lt. Col Thuwan Meedeen Military Intelligence Unit Sri Lanka Army 2002/ 2005

 2.     Interviews with Lance Corporal PS (Former POW for more than 5 years)

 3.     Interview with Mr. Jayalath -POW and a civil worker attached to the Poonariyn Camp

 4.     Interview with Major P Military Intelligence Unit Sri Lanka Army

 5.     Lt Gen Gerry De Silva – Former Commander of the Sri Lanka Army

 6.     Ravi De Siva – Undergraduate Rochester University USA –

 7.     2 Interviews with Mr. X – Former member of the LTTE

 8.     Interview with Mr. R – Member of the LTTE

 9.     The former LTTE member Srikumar Selvarajah Kanagaratnam aka Raheem

 10. Corporal Th Member LLRP Special Forces

 11. Lt Col Sarath Embawa Special Forces Sri Lanka Army

 12. Re Fr A – LTTE Sympathizer from Mulangavil Killinochi

 13. Brigadier Roshan Silva - Director Infantry Sri Lanka Army

 14. Brigadier K. H Thammita

 15. Brigadier D.S.G Kempetiya

 16. Maj. General Wajira Wijegunawardana Former Commander of the East

 17. Maj General Sunil Thenakoon Former Commander of the North

 18. Dr. Jayalath Jayawardana M.P

 19. Mr. Bonny Roberts – Who met Prabhakaran in 2005



Clifford T. Morgan / Richard A King/ John R Weisz – Introduction to Psychology ISBN 0-07-043210-4 P 661

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 Hoffman, L. (1993). An introduction to Child Analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis 2:5-26.

 Hoole.R -Sri Lanka Arrogance of Power

 Jayatunge Ruwan M. - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ISBN 955-599-370-5 P 47

 Jayatunge Ruwan M. – Combat Stress ISBN 955-20-8233-4


 James C. Coleman/ James Butcher Abnormal Psychology and Normal Life ISBN 0-673-15213-8 P275,278 279

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Lahey B.L/ Ciminero A.R Maladaptive Behaviour- An Introduction to Abnormal Psychology ISBN0-

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 Narayan Swami -Inside an Illusive Mind Prabhakaran

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 Philip C. Kendall/ Constance Hammen – Abnormal Psychology ISBN 0-395-62183

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Ross Vasta / Marshall M. Haith / Scott A. Miller- Child Psychology P 440, 446, 461,467 12

Robert S. Feldman – Understanding Psychology – ISBN -0-07-289146-7 P628,630.

Selma Fraiberg (1982) Pathological Defenses in Infancy. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 51:612- 635.Sigmund Freud (1930) Civilization and its Discontents. 

 Somasundaram Daya – Scarred Minds ISBN 81-7036-725-5

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 Tinbergen N (1981) On the History of War, in aggression and Violence: A Psychobiological and Cultural Approach

Zimbardo P.G Psychology and Life ISBN 0-673-15418-1

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