
Thursday, March 28, 2024

Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov - Who Shared a Common Fate


Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. 

Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov were Great Russian romantic poets who lived in the 19th century. They knew each other and adored each other’s work. Both were rebellious in nature. Alexander Pushkin was the pioneer of Russian literature. Among his major works Ruslan and Ludmila  , Evgenii Onegin, and Boris Godunov can be considered the greatest masterpieces of Russian literature. Although Pushkin was a genius in literature, the Russian Czar did not tolerate his poems, which carried elements of protests. Pushkin was a daring activist who was secretly involved with an underground revolutionary group and also publicly expressed his support for the Decembrist uprising, which demeaned feudal reforms. As a result of his rebellious attitude, Pushkin was banished from St Petersburg.
In 1827, he composed the ode titled The Poet
Until he hears Apollo's call
To make a hallowed sacrifice,
A Poet lives in feeble thrall
To people's empty vanities;
And silent is his sacred lyre,
His soul partakes of chilly sleep,
And of the world's unworthy sons
He is, perhaps, the very least.
Pushkin knew the suffering of the peasants under the Czar’s regime. As a member of the upper Russian social class, Pushkin was never fascinated by its glory. He had a mission in life. Pushkin often used his writing to express the agony and suppression of the Russian people. Hence, he was hated by the regime. But, the general public recognized Pushkin as a great poet and respected him. Gradually he became the envy of the Royal Palace.
Many conspiracies were launched against Pushkin, and finally, he was provoked to engage in a dual. In the ill-fated dual, he was fatally wounded and later succumbed to the injuries. After Alexander Pushkin’s tragic death, Lermontov published an elegy titled Smerta Poeta or The Death of a Poet, which criticized the conspiracy involved in Pushkin’s untimely death.
Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov shared many things in common.  
Both were inspired by the novels of Sir Walter Scott. Both demanded social reforms and emerged as spokesmen for literary radicals. Their work provided fertile ground for Russian poets and novelists.  Both had a great influence on later Russian writers. From Gogol to Dostoevsky and from Dostoevsky to Boris Pasternak, their unique influence remained unchanged.
Ironically, Pushkin and Lermontov led reckless and generally cynical lives, but they expressed their inner feelings via prose and verse. Mikhail Lermontov had an influence on Lord Byron, and as a matter of fact, he adopted the Byronic cult of personality. Lermontov’s psychological novel A Hero of Our Time describes a reckless and a cynical character named Grigorii Pechorin.
The central character, Pechorin, is complex in nature. Pechorin is an impulsive, emotionally numbed and manipulative, capable of extreme bravery but generally bored by his life. Pechorin was a hero as well as a renegade, and according to some critics, the central character in A Hero of Our Time could really have been applied to Lermontov himself. Lermontov's best-known poem, The Demon a self-accusing poem,   exemplifies a fallen angel who loves a mortal woman reflecting the poet's self-image as a demonic creature.
Lermontov loved the Caucasus region and admired its natural beauty. The Caucasus had also inspired Pushkin. Their characters were somewhat similar. Both were sensitive, cynical, nihilistic, and possessed extreme arrogance. They stood against social injustice. Like Pushkin, Lermontov was killed in a duel in the Caucasus. Both died at a young age, leaving a deep void in the field of literature. Alexander Pushkin’s and Leonardo's lives can be viewed as some of the most epic and dramatic in the history of literature.

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