
Monday, January 7, 2019

Dr. Marina Stal and Our Joint Paper on Felix Dzerzhinsky

ආචාර්‍ය මරීනා ස්ටල් ඇමරිකාවේ කොලොම්බියා විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ සහාය මහාචාර්‍යවරියකි. මා විසින් මේ දිනවල ඇය සමගින් ෆීලික්ස් දෙර්ශීන්ස්කි පිලිබඳව පරියේෂණ පත්‍රිකාවක් ලියමි. ළමා කාලයේ සිට ක්‍ෂිතිමය අත්දැකීම් වලට මුහුණ දී තිබූ ෆීලික්ස් දෙර්ශීන්ස්කි සෝවියට් දේශයේ චෙකා සංවිධානය ආරම්භ කලේය​.  ඔහු විසින් ඝාතනය කරන ලද මිනිසුන් ගනන 200,000 අධික බව වාර්තාවේ. අපගේ පත්‍රිකාවෙන් ෆීලික්ස් දෙර්ශීන්ස්කි   Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED)  අක්‍රමතාවයෙන් පෙළුනු බවට සැක කල හැකි බව පෙන්වා දේ.

Доктор Марина Сталь - академик из Колумбийского университета, Нью-Йорк, США. Я имею честь написать статью с доктором Сталом о Феликсе Дзержинском (1877–1926), который возглавлял ЧК (Всероссийская Чрезвычайная Комиссия) с 1917 по 1926 год. Мы считаем, что после психологической травмы, пережитой Феликсом Дзержинским, в конечном итоге он стал страдать от посттравматической травмы. Расстройство озлобления (PTED). В нашей совместной статье будут обсуждаться клинические симптомы Дзержинского и неадаптивный характер поведения.

Dr. Marina Stal is an academic from the Columbia University  New York USA. I have the privilege of writing a paper with Dr Stal on Felix Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926) who headed Cheka (the Soviet secret police) from 1917 to 1926.   We believe that following psychological trauma which Felix Dzerzhinsky experienced eventually led him to suffered from Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED). Our joint paper will discuss Dzerzhinsky ‘s clinical symptoms and maladaptive behavior pattern.

Academically and professionally, Dr. Marina Stal has continuously sought out opportunities to participate in pragmatic research that ultimately lead to effective and beneficial change.  Subjection to the numerous hurdles faced by the patient population - physical, psychological, financial, and social - inspired her doctoral dissertation regarding myeloproliferative neoplasms.  Dr. Stal believes that understanding of the path research must take is integral to ultimately generate concrete changes.

Dr. Stal's personal experience as a student, researcher and patient with a chronic medical condition provides a firsthand experience of the interaction between theory, practice, and policy.  She emphasizes and cautions that optimal results cannot be obtained without addressing both individual and universal concerns, currently evidenced by the many transitions within legal, political, and societal infrastructure. 

Outside of her professional ventures, Dr. Stal enjoys going on road trips, exploring new places, visiting bridges and lighthouses. She has completed two cross-country trips so far, (one included a train from California to Chicago), and would love to do another. She also enjoys jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, yoga, watching hockey, and cooking.

Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge 

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